2008년 3월 29일 토요일


Key point for today
-people make media and the media make people

Q: the world-wid web
what is the staed motivation of the researh?
- The www was developed to be a pool of human knowledge, which would allow collaborators in remote sites to share their ideas and all aspects of common project

What problem does this research address?
- Originally the work was to provide a graphical interface to a set of distributed files used in physics project management at CERN

Who funded this research?
- currently and/or previously supported by CERN, DARPA, The European Commission, INRIA,
What isthe economics of the work?
- Keio University Of Japan, ERCIM, MITand the WWW Consortium
The economics of standards.

What is the stated genealogy of the technology?
- bush's memex; nelson's writings on hypertext; berners-lee's early implementations

Who is the intended audience?
- Association for computing Machinery.
Communications of the ACM; see www.acm.org

Who are the "dramatis pensonae" of the article?
- origin story. technical reference, hos to manual

othering: who are "we"? who are "they"?
- consider the competing standards and the existing utopic writings.

What is thinking reading writing?
- see nelson and engelbart.

What other texts are cited?
- definitions of various standards.

what is the WWW?
1. a collaboratively authored hypertext
2. It is a standard.

ISO : International standards organization
REC: Request for comments
W4C: World-wide web sonsortium


URI: Universal resource identifier
ex) URL(ssu name), URN(persistent location: declare)
HTML: Hypertext mark up ianguage
try[view]->[source] in your web site
HTTP: Hypertext transfer protocol
http is an internet protocol designed for transferring information for hyper text document

What is WWW?
The www is a vast. heterogeneous network of people and machines.

I was tough because this class is English class. So I was reviewed after class. so I decieded preparation in this week. I concentrated better than before. and I exactly listened better than before.

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