2008년 5월 30일 금요일

5. 09

5. 09

Mod (modification: fps, rpgs, real-time strategy games)
by general public or developer
can be entirely new games in themselves
partial conversions (total conversions)

movies with game engines

games research and development

example groups and events:
–the game developers’ conference:
–game studies: academic journal:
e.g., the show Bang the Machine: Computer Gaming Art and Artifacts
e.g., alternative games competition, Rhizome.org at the New Museum, New York City, March 2004

Ludology versus Narratology

two issues to consider from film theory

–how do people relate to the characters and action on the screen?
-what is the space of cinema/games? what can the audience/player see or do there?
-what can the designer or filmmaker do to increase, decrease, or change the space?

more than identification
-When you play a video game you enter into the world of the programmers who made it. You have to do more than identify with a character on the screen.

-Identification is known to psycho-analysis as the earliest expression of an emotional tie with another person. It plays a part in the early history of the Oedipus complex.

hot and cool media

-Telephone is a cool medium, or one of low definition, because the ear is given a meager amount of information. And speech is a cool medium of low definition, because so little is given and so much has to be filled in by the listener. On the other hand, hot media do not leave so much to be filled in or completed by the audience. Hot media are, therefore, low in participation, and cool media are high in participation or completion by the audience.

I learned about computer game and how do games work.
We participated the class.
And I thought about the game that I had played.
This lecture was very funny.
And I reminded about the perspective of an engineer and audience.

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